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--- Since 1959 ---
Sl NoDate PublishedSubjectLink
1September 7, 2024Applicant Category Wise Merit List 2024-2026 view
2July 11, 2024NEW : Interview Notice for Engagement of Guest Lecturer and DRWview
3June 21, 2024Corrigendum of Recruitment Noticeview
4June 20, 2024Recruitment Noticeview
5June 20, 2024Application Formatview
6December 20, 20233rd Merit List Session: 2023-25view
7December 7, 20232nd merit list for the session of 2023-2025view
8November 10, 20231st merit list for the session of 2023-2025view
9August 22, 2023A request to the ex-students & ex-staff to return the books they had borrowed from Institute Library view
10November 1, 2022Notice for the interview result. view